Are You A But Head? October 2016

" She is a great addition to the team buuuuut... "
"I am feeling so much better buuuut..."
"This is a chance of a lifetime, a dream come true buuuuut..."
"I really LOVE him buuut... "
"Tony, I totally understand I need to turn right at Albuquerque buuuuut... "
But Head
I remember a saying "BUT is the end of an eraser". A fun verbal play. No matter what the statement preceding the word "but," it invariably gets negated. This allows whatever follows to become the truth.

I have always been a champion of being aware of what you say. I am a true believer that thoughts and words have power. The way I say something to you in a session has power as well. In my playful way, I am constantly paraphrasing my words to convey what I am feeling. This is why you are asked to record your sessions. You can then grab your seat, hold on, and enjoy the intuitive journey.

In the replay of the session, one can hear little bits of wisdom that may have been lost in translation. There are times when we hear that which we previously could not, even in our subconscious. There are times we focus on one tiny part of a conversation and not the whole conversation. Many times we hear only what we desire to hear.

It's a strong bet that when the session touches a nerve, a certain amount of resistance happens. We naturally need to negate what we don't want to see or hear. I've encountered a ton of people, in all aspects of my life, who begin each statement with a "But Head" point of view.

"I'm excited to be here but don't tell me anything bad."
"I know I hurt her by lying but she is coming back, right?"
"I want it to fix itself but without me changing anything.
I know for myself, when I am in an emotional lather, I am a huge "But Head". It is habit which surfaces when I am feeling out of control.

Words have power. If we truly desire to be heard, choose to beware of and not to negate your original intention. Stand by your feelings to be excited, open, and vulnerable. Take the step to allow for the first part of what you say to stand on its own. In the moments when we need to clarify a statement, choose to be inclusive; use AND:

-She is a great addition to the team and let's help her play well with the others.

-I am feeling so much better and I hope my health continues to improve.

-This is a chance of a lifetime, a dream come true and I am ready to give it my all.

-I really LOVE him and I'm scared by my feeling of excitement.

-Tony, I totally understand that I need to turn right at Albuquerque and I'm going to take a detour instead.

Being inclusive with the word AND resets the mind to create an even better story and outcome. It is an attractive way of thinking.

If you really need to BUT up against something, use it to ease the fear.

-I am so tired, but I know I'll get to enjoy some rest soon.

-There is so much fear out there, but I know deep down that it will change.

This subtle practice will reset the mind to draw more inclusive people, events, and assistance your way. Let's continue to hit the reset button and claim even more POWER!
Know that you are LOVEd
Create a beautiful day

LOVE your way

P.S. We've updated the website- Check it out!!


You Are Safe....You Are Ok... November 2016


Hello September- Surprise Me! September 2016