Happy Holidays: A Message of LOVE & Light 2024
Everything is energy, and everything is connected. We are connected. We are ALL connected. This year has been an integral journey of collective growth, challenges, and transformations. If one lingers in judgment, blame, and victimization, they can be trapped in those repetitive cycles. So, lets choose to marinade in the feeling of Ease, Health, Joy, and accomplishment!

Gratitude…Thanksgiving 2024
Gratitude … Thanksgiving 2024
In the US, as we approach Thanksgiving, I remember to reflect on gratitude and its transformative power in our lives. When we tune in with gratitude, we open ourselves to receive the gifts around us - it's that moment when we align with appreciation and everything shifts.

You Have the Power. You Have the Choice. November 2024
Awakening this morning, I have a deeper awareness of my feelings and surroundings. After a fitful sleep and intense desire to stay in bed, I have a deep recognition that on the most profound level, I am OK. I am safe. I trust. The universe brings amazing gifts in sometimes unwanted packages.

Hello September. Ready to Reboot?
Hello September. Ready to Reboot?
Happy September! One might call this the official end of summer. A time where we are all subtly drawn to get our act together. It's a time for many of us to get back to work, school, school of life or otherwise.

2021… Are You Ready?
You are the master of your own universe.
YOU create your today and your tomorrow.

I see you. Now, I need you to see me… November 2020
In my meditation today, I was feeling all kinds of random things. A cluttered mind plagued by jet-lagged sleeplessness. Two things keep distracting me. I heard a song of my youth “Shake the Disease” by Depeche Mode.

It’s May. Listen. What Is That Sound? May 2020
May. What song are you singing.
NYC is eerily quiet. I can hear my heart beating. I can hear my own rhythm.
Within ourselves we are constantly evolving. This year so far has thrown the world into an acceleration of evolution. We are all being asked to move beyond our limitations.