Who Do You Think You Are? August 2016
" Who do you think you are?
You realize this room of people are looking at you like you are a fool, right?
I can NOT believe you just said THAT! And on camera... Fool!
This is all going to blow up in your face.
Who do you think you are?!?
Don't even bother. It hasn't worked out before. Why will this time be different?
Tony you Crazy. Cray to Cray, Cray Cray
You look fat.
... Call your Mom"
Ahhhh... My inner commentator has a lot to say lately! Especially now when I have time to work on projects that I simply did not have time to do before (thanks Dr. Oz!✨) . Every step toward a goal is shadowed with commentary. As I get closer to achieving a goal, this inner dialogue has been trying to get louder.
Now, you know that I am used to feeling other people's emotions, their physical conditions and seeing where they are blocked on their journey. I sometimes connect a client's spirit guides and those loved ones on the other side. Hence, I am accustomed to hearing voices inside my head. So, more often than not the messages I receive are of guidance; never criticism. They are different. It's really important to know the difference.
Inner guidance arrives from a place of LOVE. There is a deep knowing which accompanies it. If you were to feel into it, it feels supportive. If you were to breath it in, it energizes you. It can sometimes feel firm, yet it's always empowering. This inner wisdom is a feeling that you can trust accompanied by unconditional LOVE.
By contrast, the inner critic/commentator emerges from fear, shame, doubt, and historical pain. In a strange way, it tries to protect you to keep you safe in the "soup" of the familiar. Yet it does so by disempowering and depleting one's will. It supports negative thinking and judgment. One can feel physically weak and emotionally heavy after listening to it for a period of time.
I have come to recognize that my inner commentator has gotten very loud lately. I also recognize that it's trying to emulate, and feed from, the heavy environment around me.
There is a lot of shadow being fed by fear- mongering. We are all talking about politics, religion, sexuality, race, gender, water, weather... You name it! We are all being bombarded, and we are giving power to, the outer critics and feeders of the shadow. Our innermost conditions are being challenged.
We want to be safe...
We want to be respected...
We want to be free...
Here are some easy ways to quiet the negative inner commentator:
Recognize... Who's at the wheel: sometimes we simply have to reign in the wild horse's by allowing ourselves to take control. See yourself taking charge of your mental vehicle. Tell the heavy to get behind you. You are in charge.
Cancel! Cancel! Cancel!
Whenever I say something or mentally create a negative image in my mind, I say: "Cancel! Cancel! Cancel!" and visualize 3 white "X"s.
Reset your mind: it's a quick and easy way to clear thoughts and feelings.
Change your mind by changing its direction.
Questions of personal inquiry can shift and quiet the mind:
What feels good in my life right now?
What will my day look like if I choose to respond with kindness rather than judgment?
What do I love about myself and my life?
Rather than focusing on the negative questions like these, direct your mind to being more in the moment.
Listen and trust the true voice:
The more you listen to your inner guidance the stronger it becomes. Your true heart and intuition will eventually negate the negative critic. Strengthen your inner guidance by simply acknowledging it and flowing with its council. Create a better day by allowing for the love that it has there for you. Always and every day. If you reach for it, you will have it.
Do things in your life that feel good:
Feed yourself with good feelings. Surround yourself with empowering media, friends, family, food and thoughts.
We all have fear and doubt. I believe we should treat them as we treat fire: with awareness and respect. Contained, fire can light the way, warm our homes, cook our food, and create beauty. Left on its own, fire can destroy our world. The same goes for fear. Let's not feed the flames of fear and shadow, or they will get out of control. Know that it is there, and allow it to help you, as opposed to burn you.
Here is a quote I like from Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom:
“Also, go inside and listen to your body, because your body will never lie to you. Your mind will play tricks, but the way you feel in your heart, in your guts, is the truth.”
Who do I think you are?
I think you are amazing and so deeply LOVED... Just the way you are.
For real.
LOVE Your way
Create a beautiful day!