Still I Rise! July 2016
My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?
David Mitchell
What a roller coaster ride we are all on right now. Highs of LOVE, lows of fear/hate and the twists and turns of everything in between. If you have yet to notice, this is a powerful time of awakening. Pay attention... we are being shown everything. It's so easy to numb ourselves just by the shear overwhelming nature of it all. We're seeing it all: At the exalted heights, our deepest dreams and wishes are being granted. The lows, by contrast, give life to our deepest fears and that which we choose not to see.
Where are you on this journey?
Are you closing your eyes and holding on for dear life?
Are you lifting up your hands and trusting that you are safe?
Anger and hate are propelling many right now. A lot of it may feel justified, a lot of it may fan the embers of deep-seated powerlessness. Some of it is fanning the flames of pent up historical and/or cultural rage. Many feel justified to spread the fear around.
Here is the thing... What are you doing?
I just want to gently remind you that you are not a robot or a mindless machine. Nor are you a lamb that needs to follow another into a dangerously dark place. You are a creator of your world. Your feelings, thoughts, intentions and actions have an effect. So let's do each other a favor and stay high.
Be aware of what you are putting out in the world.
Be mindful of what you are saying, posting, sharing and doing.
Set intentions that will be part of the solution.
Reign in and stop your mind when it wants to spin out of control. Give it a time out and....
Keep your energy high. Do what feels good. Give encouragement, a hug, smile or LOVE to someone struggling. The tiniest effort can go a long way.
Exercise (even a little walk will do)
And remember:
Please don't feed the hate and hungry-ghosts who feed off of the lower vibes.
For those struggling with meditation due to the heaviness:
Sit in awareness.
Allow yourself to let the road lead to the stillness and peace.
You are not behind being aware. Nor are you ahead of it. You are aware and choose to sit in self-awareness.
The struggle is not allowing all the feelings you are having to come and GOOO!
Be still and know.
Choose to shine in the knowing we are all one.
And if you just can't get there... Journal about where you are and want to be.
LOVE your way
Create a beautiful day