Buh Bye 2016! HELLO 2017!! January 2017

Buh Bye 2016!!

Thank you for showing me that the unimaginable was possible! Thank you for preparing me to stand up and shine in the best way that I can.

You brought light into the darkest of places and exposed what I've denied, and whom has been forgotten. You helped me wrap up any part of my life that needed to play it safe or be small. You have shown me that I can rise up and be seen...consequently to open up and shine.

Oh, HELLO 2017!

How you doin? Namaste

I am a huge fan of New Year's and birthdays. Anything having to do with creating intentions for something new excites me. I have a New Year's Eve ritual with prayers of allowances, release and renewal. After midnight, and the hugs and kisses, I call my Mom.

Then I hand out candles and gather those around me with open hearts to say a prayer. I ask everyone to honor and clarify what they would like to take with them into the New Year. To acknowledge what they would like to leave behind, and to set new intentions for what they desire. The venue varies each year, but not the intentions: Feeling Gratitude, Honoring and Releasing the Old, Embracing and Receiving the Gifts of what's to come. Like I always say "Create a beautiful day".

The Key is to Create.

2017 is all about honoring the seed of creation . It's time to choose a clean slate, a clean page or canvas. Life is your creation. Thoughts, desires, beliefs, intentions, experiences, actions, words, and choices: these are the media to work with. It's up to you to paint whatever you want on the canvas of your life. You can add or subtract, or start over as you wish.

Honor what you have made in the past. Incorporate what works in life, allowing your passion for something new to also take root. To many of us, we fear trying the new because we've already created an outcome based on fear.

Cleanse and clear out.

Many of us can hold on to "stuff": all kinds of stuff. Physical, mental, and emotional beliefs. And yes, even high spiritual states can be a limitation or a distraction. Being as present and honest about what you are holding on to helps us to see it for what it really is.

Ask yourself: Do I desire to hold on to this, and how is it serving me in my life?

Let go of the need to be understood to the past which no longer hold on to you. Once we change the inner beliefs, our other life changes with it. Mix in some desire. and BAM! We are now a magnificent magnet of manifestation!

Now let's continue to make a world we desire to live in:

Breathe... Meditate and/or Journal... Often..

Create clear intentions, commit and live in alignment of your intentions.

Let's reassess our overall position.

Create a willingness to allow for the chances that come your way. Clear away the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical clutter. Start with the physial clutter. Start with the physical and the rest will follow.

Accept your role in your relationships with others and make amends as necessary. Allow for help. You are not alone.

Dial a friend. ( Or reach out to me: I am available. So are those on my friend's page.)

Reset your goals.

End what needs to be ended.

Love more fully and unconditionally (especially yourself).


Have a Happy New Year!! You've got this!!

I can't say this enough.. Thank you for all that you are. You are a TRUE GIFT. I am so glad that you are on this journey with me. You make it even more fun!

Create a beautiful 2017!

LOVE your way!



LOVE trUmps All! February 2017


You Are Safe....You Are Ok... November 2016