Make Room For Something New! October 2018
October 2018
Chaos is the moment before distinct form is created -Shannon Lee
Historically, there is always some major event happening. Whether on a personal level or something on a global scale. There always seems to be some sort of dramatic event which can and will arise to push us off our mark.
If you haven't noticed, we are all in the throes of an incredible amount of distraction. Dare I say chaos? As you may know, I am no stranger to the art of distraction. If not for the shear awesomeness of dear Mel, the boss of me and Jana, who helps with the groups and workshops, not much work would get done. As much as I am proud of myself for moving forward at a pace where I can see progress, I am also aware of some personal distractions which interfere with growth and achievement of my goals.
Recently, I've noticed many people have been focusing on everything but their desired goals and outcomes. There is a powerful occurrence about, shifting our perspective en masse to all things which have nothing to do with today. Worry and fear have pushed us towards focusing on the triggers of unresolved pain from the past and/or fear-based probable outcomes. Outcomes which we are forgetting we can direct and change as we "keep an eye on the prize".
We must recognize that we are in the eye of a storm. A maelstrom which, in all its chaos, is uprooting an inner pain we have believed - hoped- prayed to be long dead. And yet here we are forced to see that these malicious weeds have deep roots.
Now, far be it from me to judge any form of new awareness. I know firsthand that sometimes we have to take a step back in order to move forward. Fear and anxiety are sometimes the gifts to help find a way to pay attention. So let's do that - pay attention - let us not allow these crazy thoughts, triggers, emotions and people - to take root in such a way that they are allowed to strangle our field of dreams. Especially before we even begin to sow the first seed. When we give ourselves a neutral space to witness the fear of reviving the collective pain, distraction and sabotage. We can create new solutions. We can resolve the inner conflicts with comfort and ease.
This is your time to step into your world. You are not alone in feeling doubt and fear; it is happening on a global scale. We are all feeling it. Rise above this fog and breathe in some fresh clarity.
Know that when space has been created, something new can take form.
Remember to:
Meditate - BREATHE and get back in to your flow. Taking time to get quiet - it is a way to realign with your true essence. Close your eyes, take a breath to see the road ahead.
Acceptance is a key point to allowing an end to the continuous spiral. I am not saying that you have to like the environment in which you find yourself. A foundation of acceptance will help you find your own personal footing. At any point of transformation a person has to accept the current conditions in order to create deeper change.
Demand - Claim - Own. A balanced, exalted life, filled with dignity, safety and joy. See and know this a right of the soul, not a privilege of ego.
Follow Through. We take steps to reach the next level. We plan. We visualize. We talk about it. We take the steps. Yet why don't most of us follow through? A bit more effort will yield a stronger (sometimes greater) outcome.
Allow for support.
Have fun moving though life.
Give up not, the journey (Tony's inner Yoda voice - don't judge me!!)
✨Shine On✨
Know that you are LOVED
LOVE your way
Create a Beautiful day