Be What You Really Are; a Kind of Freedom May 2017
The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. - Jim Morrison
For many, this is a time when everything begins to feel alive. Spring has finally started to set in. The Sun lights our days, creating feelings of awareness wherein hope "springs" eternal. This is a great time for an emotional cleansing. Shedding the old, dead layers will aid in the awakening from a long hibernation. Now is the time when we can assist our awakening to feelings of new possibilities. As the sun shines for us, we can see more of the day. We can find the time to allow our desires to take root and grow, like seeds.
It's also a time where many are faced with what can seem like obstacles at every turn. The feeling that no matter what you do... what you say... how hard you try... You just can't seem to move forward.
I have seen this theme quite a bit lately. So much frustration about all the things that seem to be in the way. I recognize a parallel theme as well: very often I see people go into autopilot the moment that they are faced with an obstacle, disappointment or a challenge.
It takes an incredible amount of courage to make changes in life. Opening up yourself to something new is, for some, just plain old terrifying. Whatever the new goal or shift is, big or small, it opens us up to being vulnerable. On some level, this desire to change our current circumstances feels exciting. It can be a great leap forward toward a new journey.
Whether it be a new career, a new love, a new home, a new school, losing weight, healing relationships, etc., etc. Expanding beyond the current comfort level is key.
It's amazing that after all the preparation one does to get to this next stage; most of us choose to be the same person repeating the same behavior.
All of which begs the question: what role are you choosing to play? Are you letting yourself be seen as the person who can achieve what you desire?
It's time to choose to BE the change you want in your life.
Entering the new path with the same behaviors, history, attitude and emotional dialogue simply won't work. For there to be any growth, some effort and allowance is needed.
I see so many people entering a new path filled with preconceived notions. Usually, the belief is that something is going to go terribly wrong.
What if you choose to play a new role , as the hero or heroine where everything goes right. That character who people believe in and want to help succeed.
Let's meditate on being more in the moment.
Let's let go of the expectations of life being hard or going terribly wrong.
Let's allow for people to come in and support us.
Let's be the change we want to see in our life( Gandhi-ish).
Wishing you more sunny days filled with answered prayers and fulfilled dreams!
LOVE your way!
Create a beautiful day!