I Know…I Am. November 2017

"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering
others is strength; Mastering yourself is true power."
-Lao Tzu

In my meditations recently, I have been getting the message:

"Know thyself." It's been constant! It's been my experience that whenever I receive a repetitive word or phrase, it's something to pay attention to. Sometimes the meaning is fairly straight forward: "Freedom" usually shows up when I am trapped in my own fear-based ideology of personal limitation.

I am reminded there are no limits, only the freedom to BE and receive. "Be the change" comes from Gandhi's "Be the change you wish to see in the world." "Magic" brings me to a place where I can allow the impossible to be possible. "Be still... Be still and know." Sigh... I get that a lot. They are gifts. When I drop into a meditative state with the intention of deeper inquiry: I see, I expand, I recognize when I have not been open to a deeper level of trust, allowance and receptivity on my journey in life.

Nosce Te Ipsum.... "Know Thyself"

WTF is that supposed to mean?? I mean, I know a lot about Tony. I know that I am hard on myself. A bit too generous. I support those around me. I am super sensitive. I can stand to get out of my own way... "Know Thyself" I mean aren't we all constantly evolving? I work on myself, I meditate, pray, and I'm on the quest to be a better me.
And then... clarity comes.

I have to own that I have have been distracted.... letting myself get distracted on all levels. Consequently, I'm doing the electric slide into the realm of getting numb. I have lulled myself to the noise around me. To my defense, I don't really pay a lot of attention to those things I deem manipulative or stupid. Soooooo.... I have just not been paying a lot of attention. And here is where I can be more available to knowing myself.... through acknowledgement. I now choose to acknowledge the fears and limitations flying around me. Coming from me and those being broadcast around me.

Your fears, my fears. The rejections, failures, successes. Let's acknowledge what we are choosing to focus on. Let's know that we choose to dictate our actions. Let's recognize how our actions influence everyone with whom we come in contact with. Let's own how and when we broadcast our fears. When we diminish the hold those fears have on us, allowing us to reclaim personal power, we can make empowering choices.

In this time where everything is being exposed. In this climate where you are asked to be distracted from the truth of who you are. Everything good and bad is being revealed. I remind you to remember who you are. To know thyself.

Know that no matter what the race, religion, gender, political affiliation, religious creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, age, genetic information, or disability: We are One. When we forget this, we forget ourselves. Do not get distracted.

Stay Woke

My recent meditation: Know Thyself.

Got it.

LOVE your way,

Create a beautiful day!



Wrap It Up! December 2017


Do You Remember… September 2017