Do You Remember… September 2017
Intentions... remember them? What desire or goal have you put out there for yourself? How are you doing on your journey towards allowing for that feeling of achievement?
September. The official end of summer. A time where we are all subtly drawn to "get our act together." It's a time for many of us to get back to work, to school, or to the school of life. It really is an exciting time if we could put ourselves in the mindset of embracing the new, while also preparing to harvest the fruits of our intentions.
The past few months seemed to be the summer of awakening. Many of us were and are faced with moving past our fears while clearing away obstacles. Said obstacles can be emotional, spiritual, environmental, or physical in nature. When facing these walls (which can seem monumental to the minds eye), a certain amount of fear can also make its way to the surface.
Sometimes simply having the courage to acknowledge our fears is enough to breach the wall. Everyone gets scared, and that is perfectly OK. The most profound way to release fear is by giving ourselves permission to be scared in the first place. I am surrounded by an incredible tribe of LOVEd ones. I'm always deeply grateful for my family of choice, and their ability to be there for me, in times of fear or confusion. It is all right to share our fears with others. Sharing our thoughts or concerns with other people can help make our fears seem less overwhelming. By not letting them grow inside of us as pent-up emotions, we make way for new possibilities. Give permission to receive support. Allow yourself the vulnerability to receive LOVE. Lighten the burden by not holding the whole world up alone on your shoulders.
This it the time to move past our fears. Let's create September to be our month to call for support, for love and for ease. This is a great time to harvest the power within us. This power, when we are faced with fear and uncertainty, can be easily overlooked. Don't! You are a force of nature. You are powerful!!
Remember your intentions and goals.
Remember to meditate.
Remember to rise above your fear.
Remember to ask for help.
Remember to let go.
Remember you are powerful.
Remember that you are not alone.
Remember you are LOVEd!
Create a beautiful day!
LOVE your way